Monday, 22 August 2016

Do you think monsoons are the optimal time for home purchase?

The monsoon season may not appear to be the best time to go house hunting. No one likes to drive around in pouring rain, not to mention infuriating traffic jams. Besides the heavy rain, most people avoid buying anything for two – three weeks during monsoon, as they believe it inauspicious because of the ceremonies of shraadh or pitrapaksh. Due to this, most developers are ready to give their unsold inventory on discount during this time. They sometimes also refer it as Monsoon Discount. Searching for house during monsoon season also helps you judge the situation of the locality you willing to live in as during this season, roads get water logged and other basic infrastructure is tested to its extreme conditions. Heavy traffic during this season also help you take a decision of short listing a locality and purchase the property. Looking for a house during monsoon saves you a lot of trouble as you know what you’ll be dealing with during the next monsoon.

In case of fully constructed properties, examining the house during monsoon will give the customer fair idea about its construction quality and other issues that may happen during this season. You can easily spot signs of dampness or leakage, and evade buying an ill-constructed house. Structural soundness of a building is an vital factor, as you may end up spending a huge amount on repairs if the house turns out to have water seeping troubles. Looking for such problems during the monsoon is important because these impact the life of the property as well as its resale value. 

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